Discord streamlabs obs
Discord streamlabs obs

YouTube only - last resort/possible reason.

  • Cooldown Broadcaster ignore cooldowns but nobody else does, restarting the bot will clear all cooldowns.
  • Cost if the cost is set to anything higher than 0 currency must be enabled and user need enough points.
  • Stream Whisper means you have to whisper the command
  • Usage make sure it's set to the chat that's being used.
  • Most likely one of the following settings was overlooked.
  • Make sure Streamer Channel is the same as your actual stream nameīot can send messages but isn't responding to commands.
  • Go into bot connection (Only available for Twitch).
  • You most likely connected the bot to the wrong channel. Messages show in console/chatbot but not stream chat
  • Can't complete the captcha in the setup wizard.
  • Can't update game/tile through dashboard or command.
  • Bot size is huge/tiny on one or multiple monitors.
  • Songrequests won't play/does not currently recognize any of the video formats available.
  • discord streamlabs obs

    Songrequests not responding in chat/Songrequest stuck on track.Bot can send messages but isn't responding to commands.Messages show in console/chatbot but not stream chat.

    discord streamlabs obs

    Twitch | YouTube List of issues with known fixes

    Discord streamlabs obs